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The dried peels of Ionian bergamot

The dried peels of Ionian bergamot are among the most appreciated as a natural flavor. Their destination is the use in breweries for wonderfully aromatic beers. The traceability of the “Originale Calabrese” supply chain certifies its origin and processing in the Metropolitan Area of Reggio Calabria, on the Ionian side, an area where bergamot expresses […]

Bergamotte ist eine Zitrusfrucht aus Süditalien, aus Kalabrien Jonica.

Bergamotte ist eine Zitrusfrucht aus Süditalien, aus Kalabrien Jonica. Die AICAL Association schlägt Verbreitungsmaßnahmen und kontinuierliche Studien vor. Bergasterolsaft oder Bergastatinapulver für die Gesundheit Mit einfachen traditionellen Anwendungen wie der Aufnahme von Saft (Bergasterol) oder Pulvern (Bergastatina) schließen sie die Verbesserung der Immunantwort und der Herz-Kreislauf-Funktion ein. In Bergamotte wurden verschiedene sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe gefunden, […]

Bergasterol Bergamot juice: special superfood drink

Bergasterol Bergamot juice: Special superfood drink PROPERTIES AND FUNCTIONS Bergamot juice BERGASTEROL can be considered “superfood drink” that’s why! Bergasterol, bergamot juice from Calabria contains over 350 polyphenols, thanks to the special formula with citrus albedo, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vasoprotective properties. It reduces cholesterol and blood sugar. The medical studies carried out all over […]

Parmi les superaliments, la bergamote est la plus reconnue.

Parmi les superaliments, la bergamote est la plus reconnue La bergamote, agrumes typique de la Calabre, est parmi les superaliments est ce qui a recueilli plus de soutien de la communauté médicale internationale, avec environ 350 polyphénols qui sont très concentrés et ont antioxydant, anti-inflammatoire et la protection de la veine. Un superaliment qui comprend […]

Dried bergamot juice

Dried bergamot juice The industrial processing of bergamot has different goals, essence and juice. From the outset it has been noted through the studies carried out the importance of the processing and marketing of dried bergamot juice which as a component part of juice as such and part of pastazzo. Pastazzo, the citrus albedo represents […]

succo essiccato di Bergamotto

Succo essiccato di Bergamotto La lavorazione industriale del bergamotto ha diversi obiettivi, l’essenza e il succo. Sin da subito si è notato attraverso gli studi effettuati l’importanza della lavorazione e commercializzazione del succo essiccato di bergamotto che come componente ha parte di succo in quanto tale e parte di pastazzo. Il pastazzo, l’albedo dell’agrume rappresenta […]

olive leaf extract

olive leaf extract to support cardiovascular function Olive Leaves have a long history of use as a herbal tonic to support cardiovascular function. Research shows that Olive Leaf Extract assists in the maintenance of normal heart function and helps to maintain a normal healthy cardiovascular system. Olive leaves have been traditionally… Olive leaves have been […]

La bergamote

La bergamote Un agrume rare de véritable excellence, la bergamote est cultivé depuis des siècles dans les provinces de Reggio de Calabre, le long de la côte entre Villa San Giovanni et Monasterace. Aucune autre bande de terre dans le monde est capable de produire des fruits d’une telle qualité unique. agrume utilisé dans les […]